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What is Ketosis?

What is Ketosis?

According to Wikipedia:

"Ketosis is a metabolic state characterized by elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood or urine. Physiological ketosis is a normal response to low glucose availability, such as low-carbohydrate diets or fasting, that provides an additional energy source for the brain in the form of ketones."

I like this definition so far. To expand on this, when we start limiting how much sugar/carbs we consume, and basically begin to deplete our blood sugar (the sugar in our blood) and glycogen stores (stored up sugar in the form of glycogen in the liver), after 10-12 hours (usually, not the case for all) our liver will begin to use fatty acids to make ketone bodies.

This is the ultimate fuel source not only for our body but especially for our brain. Our brain loves this source because it’s pure and clean. When we use this fuel, our mitochondria does not produce a lot of inflammation (black smoke), and is actually able to make more energy in the form of ATP (4x more energy). All of the cells’ processes and functions begin with and need ATP.

The longer we practice getting into this metabolic state, the easier it will be to switch into it after having a sugary or carby diet (glycolysis - the opposite metabolic state). This is called flipping your G to K switch. And when you can do this easily after cutting carbs and sugar again for a few hours, this is called metabolic flexibility. The more metabolically flexible you are, the healthier you most likely are.

Other amazing things take place when your body is in a state of ketosis. For example, autophagy is up-regulated in the cells and one will be able to perform autophagy during the day-time, not just at night while sleeping. What is autophagy? Self-cleaning. You want your body in tip top shape, and to do this you want it cleaning itself around the clock.

Apoptosis is also up-regulated in the cells when we are in a metabolic state of ketosis. What is apoptosis? Programmed cell-death. Cells that are bad or malfunctioning (like the big C cells) will automatically commit suicide as to not replicate bad cells (to prevent malignancy).

Ultimately, your cells become so efficient at cleaning themselves and even regenerating that you begin to notice reverse-aging occur. It occurs on the smallest quantum scale in the cells and over time is visible on you, your body, your face, your eyes. Everything changes and you look healthier. You can heal many conditions this way (not medical advice - to learn more, email us regarding this and I’ll send you more information.

The ketogenic diet promotes this metabolic state. But there are other ways to enter ketosis.

Stay tuned to learn more about the ketogenic diet and the different ways of entering ketosis and improving your mitochondrial functioning. Also stay tuned to learn about how light and sunshine play a major role in our health.

Do you practice ketosis? Or have you ever in the past? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to chat!




My next Blog is titled: Why Body Motion & Love Mechanics Began and Since Then. I'd love to make a proper welcome blog for my visitors so you can understand the bigger picture. That will be this upcoming blog. I'll tie together why it all began and what have been some life developments since then (why I started practicing a ketogenic sun-loving lifestyle and why it is important for everyone to learn about it all, how to implement the principles, and adopt their own variation of it to live their best life.) For you, for me, for us.

In future blogs, I will share on all topics, pelvic health-related, occupational therapy-related, about the ketogenic diet, more on ketosis and different ways of entering it, more on ketosis and medical findings and applications in the literature, nutrition and pelvic health (certain diagnoses do better with certain diets), variety of conditions or symptoms in pelvic health and ones I can treat (will cover different diagnoses in blogs), different populations, circadian health, light and sunshine, hormones (including menopause and perimenopause), all things womenhood, motherhood, health/wellness, and life

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