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Light & Quantum Biology Webinar

Light & Quantum Biology Webinar

The Live webinar date passed but you can still purchase the recording.

Please allow up to 24 hours to receive the recording.


This webinar will dive into the light and some basics of quantum biology.


You will learn about the meaning of quantum biology, why it is important, how circadian biology is connected, what the difference is, and what the light spectrum is.


You will learn about the light spectrum that we see.


You will learn about how our body interacts with light and how we detect/sense light and different frequencies.


You will learn basic knowledge about the sun, and how to harness its power (light) for our optimal functioning.


You will learn basic knowledge about the mitochondria. What it's function is (it is not just to make ATP).


You will learn which light frequencies are good and which ones are bad.


You will learn about which light frequencies are considered toxic and how this has increased in the last 100 years. 


You will learn how we use light/frequency to connect to the earth and nature, scientifically explained. 


You will learn quantum biological ways to enhance your health.


You will learn the significance of 7.83 .

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