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Words from My Clients

The day I found Amy was the day I connected with my pelvic floor angel. Her kind and approachable nature allowed me to free myself of the shame and embarrassment of what I was experiencing and allowing me to join her 1st and 2nd programme has provided me with so many tools to help strengthen my pelvic floor. For anyone thinking about joining Amy’s programme, I cannot encourage you enough. I learnt straight away that what I had been doing to “help” my pelvic floor was all wrong, I had to relearn how to do a proper kegal with the right breath work and that in itself was so life changing. I saw an improvement in my symptoms after the first week and even after completing the programme twice I am still learning everyday how to better work on the exercises. Amy has provided me with exercises and tools that will become part of my life’s routine and I am now working on how I continue to use all that I’ve learnt, to maintain the progress I have made. To the ladies reading this and considering letting Amy into your life, I say do it. Her program will teach you to reconnect to parts of your body that have probably been neglected for a long time and you do not need to suffer I silence, you can make a change. And to Amy, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey and sharing all your wisdom and knowledge with me xxx"

Laura S.

Amy went above and beyond to make sure that I understood the function and dynamics of the pelvic floor. After experiencing weak pelvic floor/prolapse after childbirth, she listened as I explained my fears going forward. I followed her three week program and she even adapted several moves specifically for me. I feel stronger and that there is hope for my pelvic floor to return to normal by continuing to use her exercises and tips. Most importantly, she explained the importance of proper breath work to restore the pelvic floor, which I am still using in my daily life. Thank you so much Amy!”

Jacqueline T.

What can I say about this program?! It was amazing. Amy put so much thought and care into it. It was so detailed and easy to follow. Although it didn’t seem like much at the beginning, you actually begin to realize and connect with your core over the 3 weeks. You begin to notice and feel things differently.  I noticed a change in my core engagement during workouts and even the shape of my core began to change! It has helped me in so many ways and I continued to use it even after the 3 weeks! Loved this program and would recommend it for anyone looking to jumpstart their journey into pelvic floor healing."

Rebekah S.

As a mom of three but still pretty ignorant of my pelvic floor, this program really made a change for me. I was initially pretty mistrusting but followed my instinct to contact Amy and it was worth it. I learned how proper breathing and pelvic floor exercise help improve my prolapse symptoms. I also have better control of my bladder. My posture improves and I am more aware of my entire body. I feel empowered directing the healing energy inwards and allowing to know and cherish this part of me and myself as a whole. And also Amy and all the good (God) that is in our beautiful world. For me [connecting with my pelvic floor and core will be] an ongoing process with short- and I am sure long-term benefits and I feel happy to go further. Amy has been very sensitive, attentive and a source of competent information all along, listening and adjusting the exercises to my needs. I strongly recommend her honesty and perfect trust during your consultation calls, it will help with your progress."

Raluca B.

I am so grateful to Amy for creating this course. So much changes mentally and physically after baby and it’s so frustrating that the postpartum period consists of just ONE 6-week visit and then you’re left to fend for yourself. This course helped me change that.

"Not only did the program help with pelvic floor issues I had, it also helped me feel so empowered and so much more in-tuned with my body. I found that even when I wasn’t doing the exercises I was much more cognizant of the way I was moving, sitting, standing, even breathing...and my movement throughout the day became much more purposeful. Even my low back issues eased up when I finally focused on engaging my core again!

"Amy is so talented and great at what she does...changing the world one pelvic floor at a time! She was always available for any questions or concerns I had, and her passion for helping mamas was evident from every handout, email and chat with her.

"The design of the course is perfect, it’s so easy to digest and I love that the exercises are split into bite-sized pieces. As a mom of two little ones it’s not always easy finding big chunks of time to myself, and the way this course is set up made it so much less daunting and more manageable for those who struggle finding an hour of uninterrupted time every day.

"Loved this program and absolutely recommend to new mamas. Not only is it much needed me-time, it also is so helpful working out these regions that so rarely get any love!!"

Natalie E.

I wanted to take a second to write an honest review regarding Amy’s Pelvic Floor Class. In short, it was amazing and life changing. I learned so much about my body in a short three weeks. The exercises Amy guided me through were not only beneficial to my body but to my mind as well. Amy is very knowledgeable and her passion for women’s health inspired me to be more aware of my own. I highly recommend this class for all women who want to be in tuned with their body."

Katie K.

Words cannot express the impact that Amy and the program have made in my life. The passion that she has bleeds into her work and into the direction, education, and encouragement she gives her clients. Amy was available and stays alongside you every step of the way.

"The program not only educated me but helped my body heal from the birth of three children. My pelvic floor was very weak and never felt like myself after the birth of my son  I went to my OB and a Urologist and both said I was “fine” but I knew I wasn’t. They offered no direction, no insight. Nothing worth  a copay or my time.  Just after the first week of the program I could feel how I was regaining strength; regaining myself back! I would encourage anyone that is looking to become educated, encouraged, and regain (or gain!) strength of your pelvic floor in body and mind that Amy be your go to. You will absolutely not regret it. Ever.

"I have nothing but gratitude to Amy for her commitment to my pelvic floor health.

"Please feel free to contact me for additional insight."

Valerie G.

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